CENSO Lavande

Filière des huiles essentielles françaises de lavande et lavandin

CENSO Lavande

A natural and solidarity commitment

Progress approach

A sustained progress approach

The Censo approach is first and foremost a sustained progress approach. At the level of the farms committed to the approach, a first audit reports on the level of compliance of the farm regarding the requirements of the specifications. All the major requirements must be met for the farm to be in compliance. Other points also make up these specifications points known as « progress points ». A follow-up of the development of these progress points is forecasted. Moreover, the farmer signing the commitment to the approach must also commit to the development of one of these three optional measures:

  • To replace mineral fertilizers by organic fertilizers
  • Mechanical inter-furrow maintenance and furrow-weeding
  • A higher percentage of healthy plants than that required by the specifications
  • Other proposal from the farmer (subject to validation by the validation committee) 

For distillers, three points must be remedied for the distillation campaign following the Censo audit. The other points are part of a progress plan.

For farm cooperatives and first buyers, major points must be met in order for the structure to qualify as being in compliance. The other points in the specifications are known as « progress points ».

The aim of the Censo approach is to help the different operators to male their structures progress in the right direction, specifically that of sustainable development.


the participation of

France AgriMer

Comité Interprofessionnel des Huiles Essentielles Françaises

Les Quintrands - Route de Volx 04100 Manosque, France
Tél. : +334 92 87 38 09

Réalisation : Stratis

Comité Interprofessionnel des Huiles Essentielles Françaises
Les Quintrands - Route de Volx 04100 Manosque
Tél. : 04 92 87 38 09
